Begin Again

It is quite difficult to navigate life once you’ve really failed at something. The process of bouncing back seems almost impossible and the last step of action you want to take is try it once more and pretend like the previous attempts never really counted. Proceeding with the same zeal feels unattainable for we think that we have already experienced the only resulting consequence of them all. The nature of failure. 

While in all extremity, we find ourselves not wanting to pursue things any further and that in turn hinders our viewpoint on most aspects of life. Although we presume that we’re shielding ourselves from the pain, we truly only instigate the matter and refuse to give in our all to just about any trivial matter over the course of time. Perhaps that is why it is preferable to begin again than give up, for we persevere enough to pave the way for a new kind of growth, finding innovative solutions to the existing “failure”.

PS: This was a blog that I posted sometime around last year. I remember posting it after not being able to see progress with everything that I had with regard to the novel and other creative projects that I was pursuing a few months before that. The reason I would like to repost this here again is to remind you of how far you truly can go if you stick to being consistent. Sure, up to this point my page on Instagram isn’t “famous” but that’s not the point of it at all. The whole point of that page even existing despite years of trying is proof to show that it honestly just depends on perspective of how you view growth. And so if you’re afraid of failing just like I am to this very day, let us fail together but let us not stop. 


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